Veneers in Franklin, TN

No one should have to hide their smile. Chips, gaps, discoloration, or anything you've been feeling self conscious about will be a thing of the past with veneers. Enhance your smile and get the confidence you deserve.

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Veneers in Franklin

Why choose dental veneers?

If you’ve ever wished that you could totally transform your smile, veneers can help make that dream a reality. Made of thin yet durable porcelain, veneers are designed to cover the front surfaces of your teeth. They can be used to hide a variety of cosmetic imperfections such as severely stained teeth, chipped or broken teeth, misaligned or misshapen teeth, and gapped teeth. Their versatility makes them an extremely popular treatment option for patients who are looking for a permanent, comfortable, natural-looking cosmetic upgrade.

Franklin Veneers

Did you know…

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You don’t need veneers for every tooth. Depending on your needs, you can get just one or an entire set.

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Before Image

Committed to Continuing Education

As a lifelong learner dedicated to giving patients exceptional care, Dr. Megan Girmscheid participates in continuing education courses to ensure conservative and natural veneer placements.

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Service Before ImageService After Image

The Benefits of Veneers

Natural Look & Feel

Veneers are works of art, designed to look slightly translucent, just like a natural tooth.


Because each veneer is individually placed, you can brush and floss like you normally do.

New Smile

Veneers are a quick way to get the smile of your dreams. Each veneer is carefully designed to ensure natural, stunning results.

The Veneers Treatment Process

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Veneer Consultation & Smile Design

You'll sit down with your dentist to review your oral health, discuss your smile goals, and find out if veneers are right for you. We'll also take a series of photos to plan out your dream smile.

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Impressions & Temporary Veneers

After your teeth are prepared for your new smile, you’ll have dental impressions or models taken of your teeth. These will be sent to a dental lab where your permanent veneers will be created. You'll be sent home with a set of beautiful temporary veneers that will look like your new smile!

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Permanent Veneer Placement

Once your dentist has checked the fit of your custom-made veneers and everything looks good, they’ll be attached to your teeth permanently using dental adhesive, completing your brand new smile.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This varies and depends on how well you take care of your veneers, but most patients can keep a set of veneers for 10-15 years.

The best way to prolong the lifespan of your veneers is to brush and floss properly, and to keep visiting your dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning and oral exam. You should also avoid doing things that could break or dislodge your veneers, such as chewing non-food objects, chewing hard foods with your front teeth, or using your teeth as tools.

Veneers are typically made of a high-quality ceramic porcelain material that looks and feels just like natural tooth enamel. The porcelain will be matched to the color of your teeth and is very similar to enamel in hardness and translucence, making it an ideal material for enhancing the appearance of your smile.

Resin veneers are also available, but they are typically only used as temporary veneers because resin does not look as natural, and is not nearly as durable as porcelain veneers.

The cost of veneers will vary depending on how many teeth will be receiving veneers, your overall oral health, the size and shape of each tooth, and a variety of other factors. The best way to get an accurate cost estimate is to contact your dentist for a cosmetic consultation. During your consultation, your dentist will examine your mouth, assess your oral health, and give you a quote for the cost of treatment to achieve your dream smile.

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